Most of these picks excel at putting down the pain the longer the game goes on. Strengths: Damage, damage, and more damage. Hyper Carry: Draven, Jinx, Kog’Maw, Tristana, Twitch, Vayne Most of these picks are good first picks do to being lane dominant.

If your team is focused around mid game with a top laner like rumble, a mid like Kat and a jungler like Sej that just want to go at it mid game, supplementing their damage with a caster ADC can be a good idea. When to pick: If you have a good bot lane matchup and a solid aggressive support like Leona or Naut. Lower range carries prone to getting blown up by assassins. If you let a hyper carry get to this point you will struggle to match their impact. Weaknesses: Tend to run out of steam around the 35 minute mark, the reason for this is by this point crit and auto attacks rule the game, and because of this their abilities just naturally fall off. Scale decently unless the enemy has multiple tanks to soak your damage. Almost always capable of going at least even in lane and can have burst to rival a lot of mages in the mid lane. Have a larger focus on using abilities to do damage than other carries and very useful at all points in the game. Strengths: Good early to mid game carries. Most are good safe laners against heavy pressure junglers like Lee and Rek'Sai.Ĭaster: Corki, Ezreal, Graves, Lucian, Miss Fortune Also goes well with seige based teams the focus on kiting the enemy rather than engaging them. When to pick: Your team lacks a mage mid to clear efficiently or you feel like the enemy team has too much dive for you to safely lock in a lower range carry. Some like Jinx and Kog’Maw are loaded with damage but have no way of dealing with targets diving them, and others like Corki and Ezreal have escapes, but really lack damage in the later portions of the game. Poke ADC's never get to have great damage and mobility. Weaknesses: Usually have one of two big tradeoffs. Great siegers, especially the ones with large auto attack ranges. Hard to get to because of incredible range on either abilities or auto attacks, very frustrating for assassins to dive if positioned well. Strengths: Champions that excel at hitting things without getting hit back. Poke: Ashe, Caitlyn, Corki, Ezreal, Jinx, Kog’Maw, Varus Below are the general strengths, weaknesses, and when to pick each of the certain kinds of carries when you go into a game of League

Picking carries that are similar still limits your team’s options so here are all the ADC’s placed into 4 categories and I suggest you pick one from each and then master them to make you a flexible player in this role.

I recommend getting a few ADC’s that you are comfortable with. Mastering a champion in LoL doesn’t take as long as something like a fighting game so I think it is more efficient to get used to a few different champs. Many believe that it is best to main and just pick one champion, but I find that style to be a too constricting. Drafting something like Lucian into an enemy team that has a lot of point and click CC like Alistar and Maokai can make you next to useless when it comes to teamfights. When you join that game lobby, it is possible that you can lose the game just by picking a horrible carry for the team that your allies have drafted. I believe it is fitting to start with the first thing that you will encounter when you queue up, champ select.
#Adc suggester league of legends series
I am a Diamond level ADC main and this is my first article in a series of articles that will teach you the basics to being successful in the bot lane. Hello my name is Alex Donahue(Spirit Rogue).